
Do you know whats going on a world away today?

Recently my youngest child has taken a mission trip overseas to India. 
                                                     This trip has changed all of our lives
We've say we've seen poverty, we've been on short term mission trips, we say we know there's a need, we say we have a heart for missions, BUT, I can say I really had no idea how hard life is for some. 
I've been ruined, broken, and can see that nothing else really matters. 
                                                      God is changing our hearts.  Things that I thought were so important a few months ago, really don't seem significant now.  Homes, cars, furniture, leisure time, hobbies, none of that matters so much right now, when I see and hear of the needs of those who struggle each day, those who don't know what it's like to have a full stomach, a blanket to warm themselves, or even a roof over their head. 
        I can't imagine never experiencing a hug, being held, kissed, talked to.  We've fallen in love with an amazing family in Sarahs Covenant Homes, a family that shares God's love with special needs orphans, a tough but rewarding life.  Please read of an experience Sarah shares on her blog.  Please consider giving to SCH, and definitely keep them all in your prayers.   Sarah, I do admire you and all of those who spend time giving love to those who have been thrown away and abandoned.  May God richly bless you!


Plea from India re: orphans