Well, tonight I was going to write about eggs, yes, eggs. But I've had a change of plans. For some reason my entire file of egg facts(weird, but, true, I have an egg file:)would not open,and now I know why. It's because I'm supposed to talk about something a little uncomfortable for me. And God has confirmed that I need to put myself out there, not in hopes of looking good, but, rather so HE will be glorified. So, get ready, here I go. I've had quite a few e mails asking that I be sure to post parenting advice on my blog, and at first I laughed, because if you really know me, you know how very proud of my kiddos I am, and how terrible I am at parenting. It's true. I'm great at the loving my kids, and spending time with my kids part, but, not so much with everything else. I can honestly say that the wonderful qualities that our kids have are the result of God's hand, the not so positive things are due to our lack of listening to God. Mr. Homemaker and I laugh often, because we KNOW the mistakes we have made, and our kids have endured. So, I will share some stories of our parenting successes and failures in the future, because I know that God can use those things in your lives, if for no other reason than to show you how much you must rely on God's wisdom when raising your children.

At 17 years old, my husband and I graduated from high school and immediately walked down the aisle in an 80's style shotgun wedding, for I was with child. I myself was a child, who had grown up looking forward to the day when I could be a mama. This, however, was not the June Cleaver picture that I had planned for myself. But, we were determined to prove all the nay-sayers wrong. I was going to make sure this sweet innocent baby was well nourished, and extremely loved, and taken care of. My sweet hubby immediately took on two jobs so that we could pay rent, and doctor bills. I worked on nesting. When I look back now, I can't believe it. Have you MET a 17 year old? They can barely take care of their bedroom, much less a baby. This is where I can see God's hand in the life of this little one. This childs life was one of my main concerns. I'd never cared for someone else like this before, and he wasn't even born yet. Through the remainder of this pregnancy, we thought we had prepared for the adventure before us, however, the next 26 years has shown us that you can only prepare so much. Alot of parenting is winging it, going with your gut, sticking to your guns, and hopefully alot of begging, crying, and praying to God for that childs life. I look forward to sharing some of our lessons with you. My hope is that you will learn to let go, and allow God to mold & guide your child through your hands. Although this situation looked hopeless in the beginning. It wasn't, and I wouldn't change a thing.

I can honestly say 26 years later that this journey has been one of the biggest blessings of my life. My 3 babies are such a work of art, created by a master who knows them even better than I ever could. They are not perfect, but they were mine for a few short wonderful years, and they have taught me more about God's love than I ever learned anywhere else. Thank God for children, they truly are a blessing straight from Heaven above. More to come.....
pics courtesy of woodleywonderworks/lou & magoo/reintjedevos