If you haven't figured this out already, I'll let you in on a little secret. I have some major ADD! It's true, you'll see, and you'll say that girl is nuttier than, well nuttier than squirrel poop. This blog is to help give me the free therapy I need:) It's gonna cover every creative and crazy thing that comes into my mind, that's always in overdrive. So, that should explain why I go from recipes one day, to decorating and then on to pondering the meaning of life the next. I'm just that way, so bear with me as I ponder...........................
Right now, I am overwhelmed with 1 thing, it's something that invades my thoughts and my heart & soul every single day, often all day long. It makes me laugh, it makes me cry,it gives me peace, it makes me wanna hug, and it gives me hope. It causes some people to fight for their country, some to travel around the world away from their home, and for some, it has led to death. It can bring peace, it can move mountains, it can change a hardened heart to marshmallow. The "it" I'm talking about is LOVE. I am so amazed at it, and so grateful for this gift. A gift with no limits, a gift you can give away, and still have enough of. There are times when I take it for granted, or don't realize what a gift it is. Just imagine for a moment if there were no love, or if someone never felt loved............ok that's enough, it's the most horrible thing I can imagine, without love, there's no good thing, NONE!! Love motivates , it drives you to give, to share, to reach out, to be available, to be the best you can be, to put others above yourself. Love gives us hope, real hope. Love has a name, and his name is God! I am so thankful that He teaches me what LOVE really is, each and every day of my little life. Thank him for His love, the most wonderful love of all. I love you!
I Corinthians 13
beautiful photo courtesy of Ashley Rose Flikr
Oh Susi!! I love (ha!) this!!! I Corithians 13 is one of my all time favorites!!