Did you realize that you may have additional square footage with your home? Unless you're living in Anarctica or near the equator, the space outside your door is an extension of your home and can be used as dining space, a sitting area, and even an outdoor bedroom, yes, I said bedroom. Here's a picture of a porch bed, for that porch bedroom, and I really think I need to build one when we move out to our lil place in the country. I really love this one. Isn't she a beaut.
Try decorating a patio for a dinner party- go ahead, drag your dining table outside, or throw a piece of plywood over a couple of sawhorses, toss a simple linen tablecloth over the top, decorate your table with plants candles etc, put out your best china, or paper plates, whatever you like. Turn on some music, light the candles, fix a nice meal/or pic up some bbq. No matter how you do it, a little change like this can make your guests feel welcomed, and relaxed. If you are able to decorate your porch seasonally, you might consider something like Susan's porch- you can check our her blog
HERE She's one of my favorite blogs, and has one of the most amazing porches I've ever seen, it truly is an outdoor living space.

The important thing is to learn to enjoy every square inch of your home, make it feel like you care. Then when you're done, fix yourself a tall glass of iced tea, grab your favorite book, and a throw, in case it turns chilly. Take some time for yourself, now isn't that nice:)
Lovin the blog, Ms. Susi!! Can't wait to read some of your parenting posts!